and Vision
The Center for Psychological and Family Services
is committed to clinical practice that is theologically
and psychologically integrated. As such, therapy
is viewed as a dynamic relational process out
of which change can occur. It is our vision that
the work of the therapist not begin and end in
the therapy room, but that it involve working
with the Christian community to create a larger
and more effective context of healing for the
person(s) in need.
psychotherapeutic practices have been a place
where churches refer congregants in the greatest
emotional pain, but even people who function well
experience guilt and pain which cause them to
hide from God's love. Emotional deficits
are barriers which occupy their family's
energy, inhibit their confidence and outreach
to others, and ultimately contribute to the self-absorption
that is characteristic of our modern "therapeutic
culture." Even the church can be characterized
at times by this self-absorption. Growth toward
maturity and personal responsibility involves
understanding the complex nature of anxiety, accepting
oneself and one's history, and receiving
God's love through others.
While professional therapists meet varying levels
of needs through consultation, counseling and
support, we believe the role of the Christian
therapist should not be confined to the outpatient
clinic. We see our role also as helping pastors
and laity understand their own emotional needs,
helping churches train their laity to minister
to the needs of others, and helping churches think
about how their various care ministries can work
together to create a more effective context of
healing. Such a vision involves imparting specific
skills to lay leaders. These skills may involve
active listening, knowing how to maintain proper
boundaries in helping relationships, knowledge
of what scripture says about helping hurting people,
and understanding some of the familial and cultural
factors of a person's pain. The Center also
envisions creating a place of dialogue for pastors
about the unique pressures they experience emotionally,
spiritually, and theologically. We hope that the
fulfillment of this vision ultimately will improve
the quality of a community's relationships
with God, their families, and their workplace.
This is what is intended by the Center's
by-line "Counseling in a Christian Context."
distinctive quality of our group that makes the
fulfillment of this vision possible is that most
of our staff has graduate level theological as
well as psychological training. We are committed
to applying psychological insights within the
church in a manner that involves critical theological
reflection. We value the integration of psychology
and theology and view it as a complex process
that necessitates consistent personal study that
is strengthened by a community of other professionals
who are committed to the same integrative journey.
Our Center is itself such a community. It maintains
a context for integrative dialogue by meeting
regularly to discuss current and historic theological
and psychological literature. This discussion
always has an eye on the practical application
of theory to clinical practice.